Erlichman, Israel

Erlichman, Israel

Son of Yona and Sima. He was born on May 1.5, 1948 in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. When he was ten, in 1958, he immigrated to Israel with his family, which settled in Merhavia. He did his first steps at the elementary school in Afula, and later continued his high school studies at the Afula regional school until he completed his 11th grade, and at that time his parents were forced to move to an urban environment and Israel continued his high school studies at the Dvir School He attended the matriculation exams in the evening, and after completing his matriculation exams he was drafted into the IDF. This was in August 1966. He served in the Armored Corps and participated in the Six-Day War in the Sinai battles. He found great interest in this corps, loved his special way of life and his commanders. During all his vacations, he did not stop talking about his tank, and when he was sent to a tank commanders course, his joy was not ended – and they completed successfully. One day, Israel set out to retaliate against Jordanian bases. This operation is known as Operation Karameh, the town east of the Jordan, where enemy saboteurs were concentrated in order to leave for Israel. However, this operation, which took place on the 21st of Adar, 5728 (March 21, 1968), did not return to its memory, a memorial monument was placed in the missing section of the military cemetery of Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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