Erdstein, Dov

Erdstein, Dov

Son of Eliahu (Elmer) was born on 17.12.1926 in Hungary. He joined the ranks of the Irgun and later joined the Givati ​​Brigade and served in the 51st Battalion. During the “Yoav” operation, on October 16-17, 1948, his battalion attacked the Egyptian alignment at the junction, southwest of Negba. Dab was wounded in the battle and died the next day, on October 18, 1948. He was brought to an eternal rest in the military cemetery in the village of Warburg. Dov left behind a family that was on its way to Eretz Israel, and on the daily combat page of the brigade, Dov’s name – like the rest of his comrades who were killed in the battle – was engraved on the war tools that were taken by our soldiers

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