Epstein, Shabtai

Epstein, Shabtai

Son of Gitel and Benjamin. Born in 1902 in Khomsk, Russia, he grew up in a Zionist home, absorbed in Hebrew culture, love of Zion and love of the Hebrew language. In 1921 he immigrated to Eretz Israel as the first pioneer to arrive from Khomsk, and when he arrived in Palestine he was sent to Poriah. In 1926 he was severely wounded when he was attacked by Arabs in Sarona, struggled for many weeks and eventually recovered. He was an active member of the Histadrut and was elected as secretary of the Histadrut’s board of judges. On July 16, 1936, his body was found in a guard hut in the Rishon Letzion orchards. He was buried in the cemetery in Rishon Letzion.

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