Epstein, Nathan

Epstein, Nathan

Son of Herta and Erwin, was born on August 19, 1929, in Saarbricken, Germany, and immigrated with his parents to Israel on April 13, 1935. As a student of the Montefiore School in Tel Aviv, he joined the Gadna “Yes. At the beginning of the War of Independence, he participated in maintaining the borders of Tel Aviv. When the situation worsened, he went to the Negev, to Moshav Tkuma. In January 1948 he completed a symbol course and served for a short time as a guide. He was loved and loved by his friends. He participated in the battles of Operation Nachshon and accompanied convoys to Jerusalem. Was a gentle boy, a lover of art and music, with good taste. Nathan became interested in the film industry, worked for a film company and dreamed of producing national films that describe Israel’s past and present heroism. Nathan served in the Givati ​​Brigade. On the night of June 2-3, 1948, during the “Philistine” operation, Givati ​​forces attacked the Egyptian alignment near the Ashdod Bridge (the “Ad Halom” bridge today). The assault was halted by heavy enemy fire and the forces were forced to retreat. The attack failed, but it forced the Egyptians to prepare for the ground and halted their advance northwards. This battle fell on May 3, 1948. In that battle his company had to retreat and Nathan took the place of the gunner who had been hit. Even though he was wounded, he continued to cover his friends until he was hit by a second enemy bullet and fell. Nathan was laid to rest in the military cemetery in the village of Warburg.

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