Engelsert-Binder, Malka (Mali)

Engelsert-Binder, Malka (Mali)

Daughter of Fruma and Yitzhak. In 1911 she moved with her family to Berlin, where she became an active member of the Zionist Labor Movement, founded by Dr. Siegfried Lehmann, known as Yiddis Folksheim. Mali was one of the first to go on training at the Sittingoorek farm north of Berlin. In 1924 she immigrated to Eretz Israel and joined Kibbutz Heftziba where she married and gave birth to two sons. In 1932, with the foundation of the Moshav Yarkona, the family moved to the moshav. They diligently and industriously set up a poultry farm, a large cowshed and a citrus orchard, and for a long time they struggled with difficulties of livelihood, which added problems in the defense of the Yishuv. On the night of Shabbat, April 9, 1937, Mali heard rustling in the barn and went to see what had happened. As soon as she opened the door, a bullet hit her and seriously wounded her. She could see an Arab running away. The footprints of the shooter led to Qalqiliya. All the doctors’ efforts to save her failed and the next day she died of her wounds. She was laid to rest in the Yarkona cemetery. She left a husband and two sons.

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