Engel, Dov (Biro)

Engel, Dov (Biro)

Dov (Biro), son of Hanna-Leah and Avraham-Zvi Engel, was born on February 25, 1925, in the village of Remata, in the district of Marmaros, in Romania. In 1944. During World War II, he was transferred with his family to the Auschwitz , to Mauthausen and then to Ginserkirchen, Germany. In May 1945 he was liberated by the Allied armies and his sole aim was to find the rest of his family and immigrate to Eretz Israel.
On November 26, 1946, he immigrated to Israel on the illegal immigrant ship Knesset Israel and was sent by the British to a detention camp in Cyprus. In the camp he married, and when they arrived in Israel, he stayed for two months with his family in Atlit. Later Dov served in the Alexandroni Brigade. He was sent to Beit Lid and from there was transferred to the battles in Brentia, Wilhelma, Kfar Saba and Tulkarm.
Dov was cheerful, refined, his cheerfulness was contagious, and he would create a Simcha spirit and laughter wherever he went. Dov belonged to the religious unit of the Alexandroni Brigade, and with his company he participated in operations in Kakun, Ein Ghazal, Jaba, Igzim, near Zichron Yaakov. During the “Horev” operation, to liquidate the “Falluja pocket,” the Alexandroni forces broke into the village from the south and took over part of it, but their assault on the hill north of the village was repulsed. Meanwhile, the Egyptians recovered and attacked and forced our forces to withdraw. Part of the force remained trapped inside the village. In this battle Dov fell on the 26th of Kislev 5708 (December 28, 1948) and was buried in Faluja. His wife was pregnant when he died. His son, who was born after his death, was named after him Dov Moshe. On the 17th of Kislev 5710 (8.12.1949) he was transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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