Ellenbogen, Yigal

Ellenbogen, Yigal

Yigal, son of Anna and Izislav Ellenbogen, was born in Baku, Azerbaijan in 1977. On December 20, 1990, his thirteenth birthday, he immigrated with his parents to Israel. He took a paramedics course in Magen David Adom, and later became a guide and finally a paramedic. Yigal joined the IDF in early December 1995 and embarked on a long and challenging journey. In March 1996, after completing basic training at the Nitzanim base, he served as a noncommissioned officer in the Northern Command. In October 2000 he went on to an officer’s course and graduated as an outstanding apprentice. During his service, on September 20, 2001, Yigal married Ella and the couple lived in Ariel. Yigal fell in the line of duty on August 16, 2005, at the age of twenty-seven. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Karmiel. Left a wife and parents.

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