Elkabetz, Aharon

Elkabetz, Aharon

Son of Donna and Massoud. Was born in 1909 in Mogador, Morocco, to a religious Zionist family that was known for its yearning for Zion. He graduated from elementary school in Morocco and at the age of 14 left his home and went to France, where he continued his high school studies. At the age of 16 he was orphaned from his mother and two years later, in 1928, he immigrated to Israel and settled in Jerusalem. Aaron chose Jerusalem as his hometown and joined the Betar movement, and his role in the movement was to guide his comrades in the use of weapons, and during the riots of 1929 Aharon participated in the defense of the Jews of the Old City. He was one of the commanders of the Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization), where he stored weapons in his home and accompanied the worshipers to the Western Wall and the way back from it. On October 30, 1937, he returned from a Friday night prayer for me The worshipers were shot, among them members of Beitar’s “Falugat Hakotel”, who accompanied them to prayer, by Arab assassins. Aharon was wounded and killed on the spot, and two members of the company were seriously injured. Aaron was brought to rest on the Mount of Olives. He laid a pregnant wife, a son and a daughter. His name was immortalized in “Memories of Netzach,” the memorial book for fallen soldiers of the Irgun Zvai Leumi.

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