Eliyahu Yaish

Eliyahu Yaish

Eliyahu, son of Rivka and Masoud Yaish, was born in 1921 in Tiberias. He was naturally friendly and this feature was useful to him in his work. Several times he was arrested and imprisoned by the British. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, he made his first call to the ranks of the defenders. He was stationed in a battalion in the Givati ​​Brigade and fought on the southern front. When he came home on vacation, his mother begged him not to go to the front, since she had already lost one son (Meir, his older brother). His answer was: “Dear Mother, know that I was raised on the doctrine of Moreno (Ze’ev Jabotinsky), to die or conquer the mountain, even if it cost me the price of my precious life.” He took part in the breakthrough to the Negev and on patrols, during which, during a surprise attack by the enemy, he rescued his comrades by covering them with his machine gun until they reached their base. During the “Yoav” operation, he participated with his battalion in an attack on the Hulikat outposts. He volunteered to take the place of Regem in one of the classrooms, and in this action he fell on the 16th of Tishrei, 5709 (19.10.1948). He was laid to rest at the Kfar Varburg military cemetery.

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    Relationship: Family member
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