Elimelech, Eran

Elimelech, Eran

Ben Polet and Zion. He was born on the 3rd of Av, 5744 (August 1, 1984) in Lod, a younger brother to Orrit and Eyal, and was a very spoiled child, and as an old son he received everything he wanted.Eran grew up in Lod, began his elementary studies at the boys school, The Shalom Aleichem book When the family moved to Modi’in, he continued his studies at the municipal high school and completed his studies at the ORT high school of the Israel Aircraft Industries at Ben-Gurion International Airport, where he studied electrician airplanes. . In his youth, he played with Maccabi Tel Aviv football team and on Friday afternoons he played with his friends and listened to the songs of singer Ofer Levy, who he admired when he was a child, and when he was in junior high he enrolled in a gym and worked on his body, But he refused to do so because he did not want to leave his city, and Eran was a very sociable boy and he loved many friends everywhere and loved to help them, and he loved to laugh, enjoy and have fun with his friends. Nurtured and polished the car and treated it as ‘the love of his life’ and treated it with care and gentleness.In December 2003, Eran was recruited To the IDF and stationed in Camp 80, in a company that was sitting near Dalit al-Carmel. On the day of his induction he felt mixed feelings of joy and a little fear of the future. On Friday, December 13, 2003, Eran left his base in Daliyat al-Carmel for the first Shabbat holiday from the army. He went straight to his girlfriend in Bat Yam and from there to his home. Eran came home and excitedly showed his parents his military equipment, polished his shoes, ironed his uniform, and prepared a bag for Sunday. Eran turned to preparations for the recruitment party that he organized that evening for his friends and took great pleasure in it. Toward dawn he turned to return his girlfriend to Bat Yam. On his way back to Modi’in, at around 4:45 AM, Eran was killed in a road accident and he is nineteen and four months old. Eran was buried in the military cemetery in Lod. Survived by his parents, brother, sister and two nieces, whom he loved very much. The company whose hair belonged to it was named after him: ‘Company Eran’.

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