Eliahu, Na’im

Eliahu, Na’im

Ben Mazal and Aaron. Born in Haifa on August 19, 1953. He studied at the Ussishkin elementary school in Nahariya and then continued his studies at the vocational-religious high school in Nahariya. When he grew up, he was at once a different person: physically and psychologically developed, he grew serious and learned to love the best and the most Yaffa in the person, and most of all were loved by the many children in his neighborhood who admired him and saw him as a symbol. He was also in love with his sisters, and especially with his younger brother, Avraham, who used to bring gifts to him from time to time He was active in society, He was a loyal and devoted son to his parents, heard their voices and tried to please them – except for one thing: he insisted on volunteering for the Paratroopers, and he did not listen to his mother’s pleas to change his decision. 1971 and volunteered for the Paratroopers Brigade. After completing basic training and completing a paratroop course, he completed a course for infantry commander commanders and was appointed commander of a squad, he loved military life and was very respectful of everything he had never spoken of, He was an example of his comrades in his tolerance, his obedience, his devotion and his concern for his comrades in arms, and he always helped them as best he could, and during his vacations he used to spend time with his family and friends. He was in constant correspondence with him and even sent him gift baskets when the Yom Kippur War broke out His unit in Sinai participated in the bitter battles against the Egyptians and on the 24th of Tishrei 5734 (22.10.1973) he was hit and killed, and was brought to rest in the cemetery in Nahariya, leaving behind a father, mother, three sisters and a brother. Promoted to First Sergeant.

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