Elgranti, Yair

Elgranti, Yair

Son of Jacob and Sarah. He was born on the 14th of Shvat 5709 (13.2.1949) in Tel Aviv. After completing his studies, he moved to the “Amal” school for apprentices, where he studied high school and vocational studies. Where he studied in the framework track (building) and in 1965 completed his studies there as one of the best students. Yair was cheerful and dynamic and the joy of life was visible from his smiling eyes. When he finished his studies at the “Amal” school, he embarked on life with confidence and joy. He loved to travel and explore any point in the country that could be reached by car or by foot. He volunteered for the Golani Brigade and in November 1966 volunteered for the Golani Brigade and after the first three months of service, Yair volunteered for the Sayeret, where he took a tour course, a combat paramedics course, a driver’s course and a parachuting course. To establish a Nahal unit that was to be established in the Golan Heights. He had many different ambitions and as a soldier he was disciplined and always ready to help his friends when necessary. On September 11, 1968, during a routine patrol along the cease-fire line with Syria, the commando mounted a mine. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Among other things, the unit commander wrote in a letter of condolences to his parents that their son, who was one of the veterans of the unit, was fearless, and it was only thanks to such young men that they could sit quietly and confidently and continue their lives.

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