El-Dan, Aviv

El-Dan, Aviv

Tamar and Eran’s eldest son. He was born on October 19, 1984 in Carmiel. Brother to Limor, Shahar and Amir. Named after his grandmother Aviva, whom he did not know. Aviv was born in the seventh month of his pregnancy at Assaf Harofeh Hospital, and was immediately taken to intensive care in the NICU. The doctors warned that he was in mortal danger and feared that he had cerebral palsy or mental retardation. Aviv suffered from many health problems and was only released at the age of one month. During the first three years of his life he was treated intensively and was under close medical supervision. His grandparents assisted his parents in raising him. His mother said: “We received Aviv on loan, as a valuable deposit, not paralyzed, not crippled, ill or mentally disabled, on the contrary: a healthy and functioning child, an outstanding student, son, brother and beloved grandson. … The same infant graduated from the “Hadkel” elementary school with a certificate of excellence in both studies and social studies, and successfully completed the Ort Megadim high school (now Ort Psagot) in a biotechnological track and received a certificate of excellence from the Ministry of Education. Atidim At the beginning of 2003, he completed basic training at the Nitzanim base, and then began studying at the Technion for civil and environmental engineering. Aviv completed his studies in 2007. In March 2007, Aviv was drafted into the Israel Air Force, completed an officer’s course and served as a project officer in the construction unit at the Hazor base, and after a year and a half Aviv asked for admission to the Ovda base as a commander in an officers’ course. His commanders, subordinates and friends described Aviv as an officer and a special person, faithful to himself and his principles, and has a special way of observing the world: with a special sense of humor, play skills, wit and wisdom. Without prejudice. He had an innocent faith in every person. His openness, his heartiness, and his aspiration for achievement touched upon every person he met, and he received tremendous sympathy and appreciation from all of them. It was hard not to stick to his optimism. Aviv took advantage of every moment of his life, collected and put into his short life many experiences and friends. Thanks to his excellent human relations, he forged deep friendships, created trust and closeness; He was able to support, to encourage and to listen with sincere and genuine concern. Aviv encouraged his friends, the good things came out of his mouth easily and with convincing confidence. He always said the right thing at the right time, the joy and the laugh even if the person in front of him was sad. As a child, he did not dance or go to parties, but as a teenager he began to dance salsa, to play guitar and learn to enjoy life. Captain Aviv El-Dan fell in the course of his duties on the 13th of Iyar 5770 (13.5.2010) in a road accident on the way to Karmiel on Highway 85 near the Gilon Junction, when the bus he was driving hit a parked truck. He was twenty-five and a half when he fell. He was laid to rest in the Karmiel military cemetery. Survived by his parents, sister and two brothers. His family engraved on his grave: “Summer, autumn and winter pass by, but your memory will live forever – as an eternal spring.” The song “The Book” was written by Aviv in 2002: “Life is like a book.” It opens when you are born, and every choice you make since that day is another page you turned into. It does not matter if the end is good or bad, One thing you can be sure of: this is the best book you’ve ever read! ” In 2011, a monument was erected to commemorate him, in the form of a guitar, at the junction of the Arazim-HaDekel streets, near his residence in Karmiel. In the memorial garden at the “Ort Psagot” school in Karmiel, the fallen are graduates of the school, including Aviv, and each name is listed on an anemone. The Uvda base was dedicated to the “Spring Journey” in his memoryYagur. Another trip of his friends from the Hatzor base was held in Nahal Kziv. A memory card is opened on Facebook.

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