Eisenthal, Avraham (Menachem)

Eisenthal, Avraham (Menachem)

Son of Dvora and Nathan. Born in 1924 in Vienna, the capital of Austria is a member of a religious family. He immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1939 as part of the Youth Aliyah and was in a two-year training program at Kibbutz Rodges (today’s Yavneh). After completing his training, he joined the “Shluchot” group and worked with his friends before settling in Haifa Bay and Kfar Hasidim. Among his friends he was the first to escape any hard work and was among the volunteers in the nation. He joined the Palmach Religious Department and went on a Palmach pilot course. The course, which was held in the form of a labor and training camp, was held in Kfar Menachem, near Givat Brenner. On his return to Givat Brenner (August 11, 1943), he returned to Givat Brenner after his day-to-day training, and was buried in the Petah Tikva cemetery, leaving a sister in England and a family in Moshav Sde Ya’akov. Palmach. “

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