Einav (Makayes), Meir

Einav (Makayes), Meir

Son of Rachel and David, was born on 27.5.1945 in Rabat, Morocco, and immigrated to Israel in 1955. The family settled in Tiberias, and Meir completed the Tachkemoni elementary school there. Because he was a gifted child, he was chosen to study at a school for gifted children in Jerusalem, which later became known as the Boyar boarding school. “Meir graduated from high school in 1964, where he lived in a boarding school and attended various schools. After graduating, Meir enlisted in the IDF and served as a medic in an artillery unit. During this period there were many security incidents in the Golan Heights, and Meir treated the wounded, and was praised by the then commander of the command, Dado. When he completed his military service, Meir began his studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in psychology and education. During this period he financed his studies from work, and he also engaged in a great deal of volunteering. He took care of an IDF officer who was seriously injured in the Six-Day War, and after completing his studies he enlisted in the regular army for a short period of time, And Meir served as a devoted father and husband, and was constantly following up with his children’s school, where he spent many years in the army, , And encouraged them to work outside the school, volunteering for the school for many hours, and volunteering as a volunteer As well as Meir and his brother, Meir, and his brother, Meir, and his family. At least two soldiers were rescued from crime due to his personal and close treatment. In an obituary on his grave, his commander said: “Meir was a man who treated the great and the minor as equal and never hesitated to tell his superiors about an injustice done to someone. Meir fell during his service, on the 19th of Elul 5744 (19.9.1984). He was 39 years old when he died. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Tiberias. He left behind a wife, a son and a daughter, parents and seven brothers and sisters

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