Eilat, Michael (“Mickey”)

Eilat, Michael (“Mickey”)

Son of Uriel and Rachel. He was born on 7/7/1949 in Ramat Gan, where he studied at the Pardes Elementary School and after completing his studies at Safra High School, And in February 1967 he was drafted into the IDF. He served in the Golani Brigade during the Six-Day War and later in the Military Police. However, he did not provide his full service, because on the day of the 3 rd of Av 5768 (28.7.1968), while driving the job (locating the addresses of deserters and absentees) he collided with an army vehicle and thus he died. To the eternal rest of the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. “The commander of the unit wrote in a letter of condolences to his family:” I knew Michael personally as a devoted and loyal soldier to his commanders and a good friend of his. “

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