Ehrlich, Ephraim

Ehrlich, Ephraim

Son of Yosef and Valentina. Born in Rovno in the Soviet Union on September 30, 1949, he moved to Vilnius with his family, moved to Vilna in 1957 and six years later moved to Poland, to Szczecin, until his family immigrated to Israel In October 1959. Until 1961, he lived in the Bat Yam and Ephraim transit camp, where he moved to the Ramat Yosef secondary school in Bat Yam, where he graduated from elementary school and continued his high school studies. And was assigned to the Artillery Corps. On the 5th of Av 5729 (57.1969), he fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by a sister, Eva Erlich-Shalem, who commemorated his memory in her book “Connecting to a White Cloud,” which was published in 1999.

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