Ehr, Herzl

Ehr, Herzl

Old son to his parents Joseph and Tzila. Born on March 27, 1946 in Tel Aviv, his parents gave him a traditional and civic education, and began his education at the Bilu Elementary School and completed his studies in the Arab Municipal High School, He was a member of the “Scouts” movement and for a while in the Aerobics Club, with a cheerful spirit, a love for society and a tendency to lead, reading technical books on inventions and discoveries, and at the same time loving music and writing poetry. Was a dental technician and that was the profession he used as a source of income: he was drafted into the IDF in February 1965, And Lenny “- and indeed it was an officer-training. As he fell assistant operations officer in a volunteer position. The Six Day War, in which he fought and fell in a battle that took place in the Golan Heights on the fifth day of the fighting, took place on the 9th of Sivan 5767 (June 9, 1967), when she was carrying an armored force to her shoulders. He was devoted to his role and devoted to his friends and was therefore admired and admired by all, including his commanders, as the commander of his unit wrote in a letter of condolences to his young wife, who married only four of them In the “Gogli Esh”, Volume 4, the Yalkut – the estate of the sons who fell in the Israeli army, was brought from his estate.

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