Efrati, Ehud

Efrati, Ehud

The youngest son of Nira and Avishai, brother of Yoav and Amit. He was born in Zichron Ya’akov on the 3rd of Adar 5763 (February 3, 1973) to a teacher and agricultural father, who was born in one of the veteran families of the moshav, and was a happy child, Naughty, attentive, handsome and full of charm, a loving and loving child with a big smile, he loved playing outside and especially traveling with his father in a pickup truck and a tractor, Ehud began his studies at the Nili elementary school in the settlement and finished sixth grade. Was a good and mischievous student, always surrounded by friends. Later on he attended junior high school and ORT Hashomron high school in Binyamina, and in those years he spent a lot of time studying. As a boy and boy, he was active in the youth movement “The Young Maccabee” – initially as an apprentice and later as a counselor; Participated in the Department of Flight, Gadna Shalach, engaged in various sports including darting. In 12th grade, he devoted his time to any occupation – except for studies – he issued a driver’s license in a truck and a sailing license, but his main focus was on girls … In August 1991 Ehud enlisted in the IDF. He began his service with the “Shayetet 13”, but due to a health problem that did not allow him to dive, he was forced to retire. He moved to the paratroopers’ paratroop, where he found a “family”, “screwed up” well, and his comrades from the Patrol became friends. Ehud loved his army service very much, and so did the reserve service – he never missed a day of reserve duty. After his discharge from the army, Ehud worked for a year in the family farming farm, and then flew for a seven-month trip to South America. When he improved his matriculation exams, he began studying at the Mechina Ruppin College. Instead, Ehud met his future wife, Miri Belzade from Beit Yehoshua, and after a short while they moved in together. After graduating from the preparatory program, Ehud decided to study agriculture at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Rehovot branch, specializing in plant protection. Even though the studies were difficult for him, Ehud insisted and managed to finish them. He became a successful agronomist who led the family farm forward. Ehud was a farmer in his soul, loved the land and the land. He worked with his father and his brother Yoav, and together they ran a large farm of about two thousand dunams of deciduous fruits of all kinds, citrus and subtropical. As an avid traveler, Ehud traveled throughout the country. He kept fit and loved to run. Was interested in history, especially in the State of Israel, and dealt with the legacy of battle since the establishment of the state. In 2001, after three years of friendship, Ehud married Miri and they moved to Zichron Yaacov. The two managed to travel the world – they visited Italy, Spain, France, Turkey and Sinai, and enjoyed the good life. After the birth of their eldest son, Tomer, on January 21, 2003, the couple moved to Moshav Beit Yehoshua. Within a short period of time, on September 26, 2004, their daughter Shai was born, and their youngest son Raz joined the family on June 4, 2007. Ehud, a diligent man with a great heart, was a wonderful family man, a loving and praiseworthy partner who could appreciate and show love and respect, but above all turned out to be a perfect father. Ehud loved his three children with infinite love – loved to spend time with them, took them with him to work, went out with them for walks, play games, spoiled them and made sure they enjoyed life. Ehud and Miri planned to establish a large family of five or six children, but their plans were cut off in Ivan. In October 2007, Ehud was called to reserve duty in Gaza with his unit – the Paratroopers’ reconnaissance unit. He participated in a number of operations to locate Qassam launching squads and weapons smugglers in the tunnels, and in his capacity as a combatant he went to the forefront. On the 29th of Cheshvan 5768 (29.10.2007) Ehud fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip. During the activity encounteredAnd a long-range fire broke out in the area, causing the explosion of Ehud Ramon’s bullet-riddled grenade. Ehud was brought to rest in the military section of the Zichron Yaakov cemetery and left Raya, two sons and a daughter, parents, brother and sister, and was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant. My love, my friend. My dear man, how can you sum up your life and what to say before … You were an amazing father and loved by our soft babies. A loving and loving partner, whose love I felt every second of every day. A loving and caring son of your parents, who considered sacrificing a lot just to be happy and healthy, and a brother who loved his brother so much and cared for them. … You entered my life like a prince on a white Isuzu pickup and only brought joy to my life. From the first meeting I knew you would be my husband. … I thought that God had heard my requests and sent me exactly the guy I wanted – a simple, charming guy, an earth man (I always wanted a farmer), a combat unit and a felach in his character … and so it was … We loved, got married, Our wonderful. … The last reserves, were different, were full of activity – and you loved it and blossomed. You loved and trusted your guys, and you were happy with your work and your successes. And I, like any woman, sat at home full of anxiety and worry about your war games. Everyone knew you were poisoned. Loves the country and is willing to sacrifice for it, and I was so afraid that the poison would seep into our home. You were supposed to be at home today, you have only one last action … You spoke to me in the evening when I laid the children down and told me how much fun I had with them, putting them down, hugging and kissing, and asking to kiss them on your behalf and say you loved them. And then another phone call before you went into action … I asked how you feel and said – ‘Troubled!’ I was afraid of your answer. I wanted to tell you a lot of things, but before I said them all, you told me, ‘I know, I know,’ as if you knew what was in my heart without words. … How do I sum up your life? Do not want to summarize, do not want to finish. Do not want to part. We want you here with me until we grow old together. And as if in a minute you’ll come back, hug me with your loving bear hug and gigantic smile, lift the kids on your broad shoulders, and we’ll go far away far away so damn reality will not catch us. … promise you, my love, my sweet, that you will always be in our hearts, in our home. The children will never forget you and will know you every day. And I … I’m yours, and I’m also dead with you! On the 30th anniversary of Ehud’s fall, Miri called for a song that Tomer, the eldest son, had dictated to her: “The soldiers parted in peace. They kept the whole country Israel, which is the state of the good people. The country is really beautiful. Moshe Benvenisti, a member of the team, spoke: “… A month has passed since the fighters of the fighters, the man in the men, the lion in the group, were taken from us. … never complains, like a thirty-four-year-old novice who follows the platoon commander, a professional to the last detail, cautious and calculated, and above all, determined, without stammering, and under the uniform – a simple, innocent, valuative, agricultural man. Tells me about Miri and the children you love so much – a loyal husband who occasionally reminds singles that you should get married, live with the woman you loved, bring a lot of children into the world, love them, embrace them and care for them. Warriors, ‘you saidsoft! In the vintage – I follow you, a little on the right, the ceramic pestle, looking at you from behind like a deer or deer, skipping with the Negev, mafestan on the thorns and rocks – open spaces – do not give up on yourself and with all the weight of the balls you took, Entanglement, ‘as you used to say. You guard us all, at the top of the spear, paddle forward, even without oars and snorkel! … Cross the fence and continue to the destination. Then: ‘Change mission,’ the commander tells me, ‘identifying figures 1,000 meters away.’ And “move to Efrati.” And I pass the message “translated quickly”: “900 meters forward two terrorists – striving for touch.” You raise the toe of your right hand to say: ‘I received’, and not content with it, but adds a wink: ‘We are in the same head’. I do not forget the ‘professionalism’ – I open every zig in the olive grove, scold me as usual for trying to overtake you, and then again a message of identification close to 300 meters – and I’m to you and a quick ma’ab, and again to you. And the grenade explodes and stops in you, and you are saving me and the entire group, the explosion has overwhelmed you, and your grenade is, because you terrorists can not win! … We returned to the base in the wind I went from one to the other and said: ‘Think what Efrati would say now! Our Ehud, with the broad smile – what would he say’ He would say, ‘Grab your hands, raise your head! “And you chose life!” … “Ehud’s family is working on a book in his memory.

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