Edrey, Elijah

Edrey, Elijah

Son of Clara and howled. Eliahu was born in Morocco on April 5, 1953. He was the eldest son of six brothers and grew up in Morocco, where he studied at the Alliance elementary school, and immigrated to Israel in 1968. He settled in Ashkelon and later moved to Netanya. In 1974, he worked as a waiter in Netanya. In August 1975, Eliyahu joined the Israel Prison Service and served as a driver in the Hasharon Prison. Elijah was married to Batia and Clara’s father. He lived with his family in Netanya. On February 23, 1976, when Eliyahu drove policemen from their home to their prison guard, he was killed in a road accident on the Geha road. He was driving an IPS minibus and overtaking a private car in a private car, while the driver of the private vehicle was also killed in an accident, while Eliyahu was killed at the age of 23. He was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Netanya. After his fall, his son was born and named after him – Eliyahu

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