Edmundson, William (“Bill”)
Was born on April 11, 1927 in the United States to parents who emigrated there from Ireland. Was a Communist in his views and rebelled against any class and political oppression. For a while he was a social worker and wanted to be an artist. In World War II he volunteered to fight the Nazis. When he was liberated he moved to France and studied sculpture. He had friends from Eretz Israel, and his aspiration was to aspire to him: he did “Aliya Bet” and finally immigrated to Israel to participate actively in the rebirth of Israel. He was a member of the Palmach’s first battalion in the Yiftach Brigade and fought in the battalion’s regiment, and he used to say that as an ex-Irishman he was a clear enemy of the British regime and was fit to participate in the Jewish revolt as he had loved the Irish revolt. His desire for fascism was the attempt of fascism to suppress those who sought freedom and progress, and William was courageous and contemptuous of danger: if he was to fall, to fall immediately and be spared from too much torment, During the operation “Dani” on July 9, 1948, on the way to Jerusalem, a bullet hit his head and killed him, and he was first buried in Jaffa On 16.04.1951 was laid to rest partially-Special Haifa military graveyard. France has left a young wife, said to raise it to the ground after the victory.