Edelstein, Yehuda (“Yizi”)

Edelstein, Yehuda (“Yizi”)

Yehuda, son of Avraham and Chana Edelstein, was born on the 16th of Shevat; February 10, 1917 in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. He grew up in a Hebrew Zionist home. During the “Maccabiah” in 1935, he immigrated to Israel. He became a member of the Haganah and later became a paramedic and First Aid teacher in the volunteer battalion of Magen David Adom. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, he was one of the first to aid the wounded. During his service in the IDF, Yehuda attained the rank of Lieutenant and he fell during his duty on the 27th of Av; August 22, 1949 and was brought to eternal rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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