Edelstein, Moshe

Edelstein, Moshe

Son of Frida and Shlomo, was born on May 17, 1952, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He completed five years of elementary school in Buenos Aires, where he attended a government school and a Jewish school in the morning. In 1963 Moshe immigrated with his family to Israel. At first the family joined Kibbutz Tel Yosef, but after a year moved to Kibbutz Ramat David, where Moshe completed his elementary studies. Even at Kibbutz Ramat David, his family did not find their place and decided to move to Kiryat Yam, but Moshe and his brother decided to stay in the kibbutz. He continued his high school studies until their graduation at the Yifat regional school. Afterward, he left for a year of service at Kibbutz Grofit in the Arava. Moshe was drafted into the IDF in late July 1971 and assigned to the Nahal Brigade. After basic training he was sent to a course for infantry brigade commanders, and when he was completed, he was assigned to his unit. He was a good soldier and did his job efficiently and devotedly. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Moshe fought with his unit in the southern sector, opposite the Egyptian army. After being discharged from regular service in 1974, he returned to the kibbutz and began working in the cowshed. Moshe later moved to the poultry farm, and thanks to his diligence, his devotion and his wisdom became the center of the industry. He was highly regarded for his work in promoting the poultry industry in the economy and was the direct cause of the economy’s decision to invest in the industry, to increase it and expand it. He loved basketball, and he also devoted his time to everything related to the management of this sport. At first he served as a judge, later was responsible and manager of the Hapoel Ramat David team and later assumed the role of coach. He also planned to go to a trainers’ course, but did not get it. “Moshele grew up in our house as a boy among the boys, and when his parents moved to another place, he remained and the group and the children’s company became his family. His parents are not with him, he may have thought of another way, of other places, but remained in the group, working in leisure and sports, and did not want to spend a year off and roam the world, like most members of his group. On the kibbutz. In 1982 his son was born and was not Simcha with him. He was an exemplary husband and father, dedicated and caring for his family. Like all his contemporaries, Moshe was called to various periods of reserve service, and he always did what he was willing and loving. When the Peace for Galilee War broke out, he was called several times for service. On the 8th of Sivan 5743 (June 8, 1983), while he was in reserve duty in the area of ​​the Simeon Gallery in Beirut, Moshe fell in battle while carrying out his duties. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery at Kibbutz Ramat David. He left behind a wife, son, parents, two brothers and a sister. In his memory, a regional basketball tournament is held each year, bearing his name, and a trophy is awarded to the winning team. His friends wrote after the tournament: “It’s been a year since we received the shocking news of your fall, and it was very difficult for us to continue with the regular activity of the basketball team because you were the center of the activity, the coach, the manager, the organizer and everything. So we can continue, because we have not found anyone who will fill your place, we did not allow the events to cause us to forget you, we found it necessary to hold a factory for your memory in the same field that you devoted many hours of your spare time to. And with the easy smile that always accompanied you “

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