Dvir, Gad (Gadi)

Dvir, Gad (Gadi)

Son of Yehudit and Menahem, was born on February 6, 1962 in Beilinson Hospital to parents who live in Holon and grew up in Holon. In this city, he received his education. From kindergarten he continued at the elementary school in Shprinzak “After graduating from high school, Gadi excelled in his studies, was loved by his friends and teachers, and stood out in his willingness to help his friends. In order to keep him occupied, the teacher instructed him to write a paper on the subject: The alliance between Germany and Russia in World War II and its violation by the Germans Gadi prepared a serious work, Gadi was active in the pioneering youth movements, first a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed youth movement, and later joined his classmates for a short period of time to Hashomer Hatza’ir. He completed a volunteer course at Magen David Adom, and for five years donated his time to the Civil Guard in Holon. Gadi was a gifted athlete and was involved in various sports activities to prepare his body for the induction, taking part in the Kinneret Marathon, participating in marches, crossing the Sea of ​​Galilee, the Emek Hefer oasis, etc. As part of his studies at the school In the stormy debates that took place in the classroom on topical issues raised by the teachers, his attitude was relevant and exhaustive, and contributed to the discussion of the subject: Gadi frequently expressed his opinion on the school’s brochures and participated in quizzes Which was conducted by the school In the last year of his studies, he received a summons for tests for an elite unit in the IDF and was successful. In mid-July 1980, immediately after the last matriculation exam, Gadi was drafted into the IDF and volunteered to serve in Sayeret Matkal. During the process he was injured, hospitalized and forced to give up his service in this elite unit. He did not flinch, and volunteered to serve in the paratroopers. Gadi joined the paratroopers ‘paratroopers unit and was assigned as a natural candidate for an officers’ course, and Gadi participated in the Peace for Galilee War, first in the eastern sector, and after the assassination of Bashir Gimmel, After he left Lebanon, Gadi returned to the officers’ school to finish the officer’s course, and after leaving the course, he remained in the school for a while, and then returned to his assignment And was the commander of a team of fighters in the parachuting sabotage unit, and was especially devoted to his soldiers and the position And when he was assigned by his commander to find a firing zone for training, and it became clear that the only option was to assign him a military vehicle for this purpose, Gadi did not hesitate to leave for this mission in the family car. (16.8.1983), Gadi Gadi was brought to rest in the civilian cemetery in Holon, near the military plot, so that he could be buried next to his brother An age who has not yet reached the age of 14 years and who was killed along with him in an accident. Gadi left behind his parents and sister. He was 21 and a half years old when he died. In a letter of condolence to the grieving family, his commander in the parachuting unit said: “… I met Gadi about a year ago … But as time went by, we became more and more aware of him, first as a person and later as an officer and commander.Most of all – as a leader with a tremendous amount of personal example and stubbornness in the positive sense of the word … I remember especially the activity of Gadi in the cold dark nights of Lebanon at the most snowy and northern Shulamit outpost in our sector. Gaddy was up most of the night, walking around, guarding and making sure everything was fine … I knew that all I had to say to Gadi about this or that mission was just ‘follow it’ and the rest in his own hands, with endless energy and pushing forward everything that could be promoted “

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