Dubrovinsky, Miroslav (Miro)

Dubrovinsky, Miroslav (Miro)

Son of Anna and Leonid. He was born on the 27th of Shevat 5737 (6.2.1977), in Kiev, Ukraine, an older brother to Dina. He began his studies in his hometown and in 1990, when he was thirteen, immigrated to Israel with his family. The family settled in Tel Aviv, where Miro studied at Ironi T. High School. In July 1995, Miro enlisted in the IDF, where he underwent basic training and went on to study in the Technological Reserve as an Automation and Control Engineer at Ort Singalovski in Tel Aviv. He was assigned to the Ordnance Corps, and after undergoing a course, a tank mechanic at the corps training base was stationed as a tank mechanic in the “Adam” battalion of the Kfir Brigade in the Central Command. Miro quickly integrated into the unit. His commanders say that he was a high-quality, professional soldier who understood the system in which he was located. After a few months of service, he was diagnosed with a blood pressure problem and had a permanent 24 profile. Miro insisted on continuing his service, and finally he was given a temporary profile, and he was sent to the induction center for a new assignment on 28.2.1998 while riding a hitchhiker in a military vehicle that left Adam base on his way to the induction center to receive a new posting, Miro was killed in a road accident. He was twenty-one years old when he fell. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Givat Shaul. Survived by his parents and sister.

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