Drori, Zev

Drori, Zev

Son of Yeshayahu and Tzipora. Born on September 15, 1942 in Tel Aviv, he moved to Misgav Dov with his parents, where he completed his elementary studies and later studied at the Kfar Silber High School for Agriculture, where he studied agriculture and studied graphics. 1960 Was drafted into the IDF as part of the Armored Corps. When he completed his regular service, he was called from time to time to serve in the reserves. In this framework, he also served in the Six Day War, and as a loyal breadwinner and fell in a battle that took place in the Golan Heights (between Sir a-Deeb and Qal’a) on the fifth day of the battles. He was buried in the military cemetery in Nahariya and was later transferred to eternal rest in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery.

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