Drori, Osher (Roy)

Drori, Osher (Roy)

Son of Orit and Eli. Born on 28.9.1984 in Herzliya, a young brother of Hadar, he was given the name Ro’i when he was born, and at the age of eighteen he changed his name to Osher and demanded of all but the nuclear family to call him by his new name – Osher was born in Herzliya, in the “Etrog” kindergarten in the “Ilanot” kindergarten and later in the elementary school ” Ilan. “Roi was a special child. As a child he was shy but also a copycat and a cynic. Once he asked his parents to buy him a toy lawn mower and imitated his father – a gardener by profession – with the movements he used to do during his work. He also imitated his sister’s splendor countless times, especially when she sneezed … until she demanded that he stop, and her demand angered him. The ability to emulate Roy’s happiness was amazing. When Hadar or a member of the household asked her mother, Orit, the boy answered quickly, even before she could answer. He was also a stunt: he once hid his glasses in his sister’s house and the whole family searched for them. Only Osher Roi turned with a tense smile on his ear, and only after a while did he discover where he had put them. He knew how to protect his rights, and thanks to his grace, he could not be angry at him. If his mother and Orit were angry with him, he would stare into her eyes and say, “You’re laughing,” which immediately made her smile and hug him. He was a “mother’s child” and the connection between them was very strong and my friends. He was a good son, faithful to his parents and respected them. Osher-Roy was a child with an endless ability to give. He loved to help, especially to his grandparents, Orit’s parents. When he accompanied his mother and grandmother to shopping, he did not allow them to carry the shopping, but he carried it all on his own.One day he accompanied his mother when she came With her father for a medical visit, and the doctor instructed the grandfather to walk every day, and Oshri-Roy heard the recommendation and decided that he was walking with his grandfather, and so he did every day. He played backgammon and used to play with him, and for his sister Hadar was Osher-Roy, a friend of the soul, he loved to spend time with her and they both had common interests. When he was fifteen and a half, his aunt Nili had twins and Roi loved to take care of them and enjoyed seeing them growing up, and he always asked for his “trio” – Noa, Oshri-Roi taught the girls to call his mother Uri, “Aunt.” From the age of twelve, he wrote songs for the drawer, for himself and those around him. Who wrote after the helicopter disaster, read at the IDF Memorial Day ceremony at the Ilanot school. At the age of thirteen, he moved to the “Yad Giora” middle school in the city, and successfully completed his matriculation exams at the “Dor” experimental high school. His matriculation grades reached school on the day he fell, averaging about 80. Rachel Oshon, of the “Dor” Herzliya High School, said: “Osher passed all the exams successfully, a boy with a great sense of humor, smart and sensitive to his surroundings, Listening to music playing in his ears, saying one note or another, and today we smile at him sadly and yearningly. ” A gentle, introverted and sensitive boy, he was also a cheerful,Who liked jogging (playing sports) and listening to music on Discman. Despite his medical limitations, he was motivated by the fact that he saw military service as a value and he did so for the sake of the state, and in the two months during which he served in the army he acquired new friends and was proud of his service And he was a candidate for a course in the field of computer graphics, and was also a candidate for a course, and he was happy to be part of the unit, and was happy to be enrolled in the unit. After he fell, after they called from school to ask why Oshri – Roi L. He was interested in studying economics and business administration at the university, but a weapon attack on the base of his 6520 equipment interrupted his plans, and Private Oshar-Roy Drori fell during his duty on April 15, 2004. Nine- He was buried at the military cemetery in Herzliya, where he was survived by his parents and sister, and his mother eulogized him: “Roy, my sweet child, it took a year since you left us so abruptly. A painful year full of painful and painful longings – when you were with us the house was full of joy and light, now the house is very sad and gloomy without you. Sweet child, I’m sorry I was not with you to keep you and save you as I have always been by your side and protected you. My heart aches and hurts because of this. My sweet child, I miss you and love you the most in the world, and I miss hugging and kissing you and hearing your voice … You always smiled, even when you suffered. When I did an inhalation, you said to me with a smile, ‘Mom, do not worry, I feel better. And I ask you, take life easy. ‘ Even when you were in the army, I was very worried about you and when you came home, you hugged me and kissed me and said, ‘Mama, I ask you, do not worry.’ “His grandmother Tami said goodbye to him:” Osher-Roi, my dear grandson and close friend. You came to the world at a very difficult birth, I was in the maternity hospital and I intervened among the doctors, and so I saved your life, a pity and a pain that this time I was not near you, maybe I could save you this time too. We were very close to each other despite the age gap. You were so polite, considerate and so special, how proud you were to show everyone the songs you wrote that they actually reflected your character – wisdom, sensitivity and a sense of humor … Know that you are forever in my heart and in my thoughts ” Lieutenant-Colonel Avital Benvenisti, commander of the equipment base, Safda Osher-Roi: “You came to us about a month ago, a quiet, disciplined soldier with potential. You were at the beginning of a new path in the Israel Defense Forces, enlisted in February 2004 and started to acquire a profession, you were acceptable to your friends, smiling, gentle, kind and pleasant.It is difficult to express in words what we feel, all the soldiers and commanders of the unit are shocked and hurt, Roy, we will always remember you among us. ” Sarah Belo, a friend of his grandmother, said: “Osher-Roi was an angel child, quiet, gentle and gentle, hovering among his friends, friends and family. In the “Dor” high school where he studied, a dining room was set up near the dining room in memory of Oshr-Roi.

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