Dror (Donius), Azriel

Dror (Donius), Azriel

Son of Eliyahu and Sarah. He was born in 1935 in Rhodes, immigrated to Israel in 1939 with his family, who settled in Haifa in the lower city, where he had six children and his financial situation was difficult, so he was sent to work when he went to elementary school. And the son, who was a diligent student, did not complete his studies at the school, and at a young age began to work and worked in all kinds of jobs (telephone operator, messenger boy, etc.) Arrived at the age of seventeen and went to the navy. He was drafted into the IDF in October 1952. While serving in the navy, he began to study the mechanical profession he loved, initially serving in two frigates, but after completing his compulsory army service and leaving the army, he went to his brother in Chile. Once in a while, he was insults about being Jewish, so he was not prepared to accept these attacks, and when the Sinai Campaign began, he returned to Israel and enlisted again in the Navy, and in August 1957 a wife he had known from childhood while living in the lower city. In August 1957 he served in the destroyer “Eilat” and later in “Haifa.” Finally, after being ordained as a diver, he was offered a submarine. He returned to Israel and continued to serve there for five years, and from that period he served in the “Rav.” He was very pleased with his work and was not prepared to leave Azriel, with his wife and two sons, was sent to London to join the Dakar and Orange team, The submarine went out on its way home. One day, on the 25th of Tevet 5728 (25.1.1968), when the submarine was on the sea route between Gibraltar and Haifa, the connection was severed – and it was not renewed. The Chief Military Rabbinate determined that the date of Azriel’s death, in the course of carrying out his duties together with the rest, was the 29th of Tevet 5728 (30.1.1968). He left a wife and two sons.

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