Dreyfus, Walter-Eliezer

Dreyfus, Walter-Eliezer

Son of Tony and Emil. He was born on March 13, 1926 in Bohum, Germany. When World War II broke out, he began to wander in Europe. In 1941, he moved to Lustrecht, the Netherlands, where he stayed in refugee children’s homes in Germany and later in the Youth Aliyah camp. In August 1942 he received a deportation order for Poland, but succeeded in finding refuge with Christian families until September 1943. He then traveled to France with forged papers of a “volunteer worker” and from there crossed the border into Spain. In November 1944, he sailed on a ship called “Gina” to Eretz Israel, where he joined the “Nuclear” group that settled in Gilead in the Jezreel Valley. On the 28th of Elul 5705 (August 28, 1945), during night training in the framework of the Hagana, he was beaten by a poisonous serpent and died. He was brought to rest in the cemetery of Kibbutz Dalia.

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