Dreyfus, Edgar

Dreyfus, Edgar

Son of Aliza and his son, was born in 1924 in Germany. He probably came to France as a child with his family as a refugee. During the war years his parents perished in the hands of the Nazis and their accomplices, while Edgar joined the Free French Army and served in the paratroopers’ unit. After the war he worked as a model in the fashion industry in Paris. He wanted to participate in the Israel war in order to help create a corner in the world, where his life, his brother’s life and his honor would not be abandoned, and he immigrated to Israel as a volunteer from Machal in December 1948 and was recruited to serve in the Negev Brigade. The French Commando had to conquer the Thamila strongholds on the Beersheba-Nitzana road and succeeded in conquering one of the outposts and preparing it, but the Egyptians launched a counterattack under cover of the not yet conquered strongholds. Egyptian reinforcements were captured, and on that day, on 24 December 1948, Military cemetery Revivim.

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