Dovetsky, Baruch

Dovetsky, Baruch

Son of Deborah and Shaul was born on July 10, 1931, in France. When Baruch was 13 years old, he immigrated to Israel, to Kfar Haro’e. He completed elementary school there and spent two years in the village high school. Baruch was active in the Gadna and at the end of the War of Independence, in June 1948, enlisted in the IDF. He served in a Nahal unit and was sent to agricultural training in Tirat Zvi, where Baruch served in the same unit for two years until he was discharged from the IDF in February 1950. He continued to serve in the reserves and was stationed in the infantry. In December 1952, Baruch underwent a demons course, and served in reserve duty in the reserves, in training, in employment and in wars. Baruch fought in the Sinai Campaign in 1956, during the Six-Day War and in the Yom Kippur War. He was strong, crossing the canal and fighting with his unit in the Faid sector in Egypt. In his civilian life, Baruch ran a production department in a knitting factory. He gained sympathy both in his civil service and as a reservist. In December 1970, Baruch was transferred from a infantry unit to a special unit and continued to serve as a translator in his unit. Baruch served in the same unit for about ten years, and in spite of his adult age, he fulfilled his duty as a soldier in the harsh conditions of the Sinai, and on December 27, 1979, Baruch received a leave from his base, At the Haruvit junction, on the way to Yamit. A truck traveling from the south toward the country passed by. The truck driver lost control of the steering wheel, the truck veered off the road, overtook a group of soldiers standing at the station and hitting them. Baruch was killed in the accident. He was 48 years old when he died. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul in Tel Aviv. Baruch left behind a wife and three daughters.

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