Dotan (Dichs), Amnon

Dotan (Dichs), Amnon

Ben Nataka and Israel (Stashek). He was born in Kibbutz Nachsholim, a twin brother of Tamar, who studied at the local elementary school and completed his high school studies with the children’s society at the Hof Hacarmel Regional School in Ma’agan Michael. He was a conscientious objector of the Haifa Municipality, and Amnon loved dogs very much, and throughout the years he raised boxer dogs and devoted his spare time to him, and he was drafted into the IDF in late July 1972 and joined the platoon. He decided to become a parachuting instructor. He completed a parachuting instructor’s course and served in this capacity for the entire period of his service. According to his commanders, Amnon was an orderly, quiet, easy to work guide and acceptable to his friends and commanders. After completing his regular service, he volunteered for a permanent service for a period of three years. After his release he was called for reserve duty. When he was twenty-one, he married his girlfriend Carmit and eventually they had four children – Karin, Reut, Shani and Or. They lived in Kibbutz Nachsholim. Amnon worked in the branch of the Shlachin, then moved to the poultry farm, where he invested most of his energy. Over the years, he took a course in poultry farming and specialized in his profession. He was very dedicated to his work in the industry, tried to increase profits and make sure that the marketing went well and took care of the birds during the heat. In the last year of his life he began studying at Efal Seminary in order to expand his education. He was satisfied with his studies and enjoyed the society he found himself in. On Sunday, 7 Kislev 5752 (7.11.1991), during an active reserve service, Amnon fell in his role in Tel Nof and was brought to eternal rest in Kibbutz Nachsholim cemetery, leaving behind a wife, three daughters and a son, parents and two sisters Tamar and Hannah “In his letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote:” Throughout his years in the army, in compulsory service, in army service and reserve duty, he was known as a sociable person, a true friend, Aware of the heavy responsibility placed on his shoulders. Amnon z “l dropped hundreds of automatic and free drops, passed hundreds of flying hours while carrying out various parachuting missions and left unharmed, so our pain is even greater.You can be proud of Amnon z” l and know that behind you stands a whole family of parachuting instructors, Who is proud and still proud of her right to be counted among Amnon’s friends. “

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