Dostan, Herzl

Dostan, Herzl

Son of David and Nazimah. He was born in the city of Shiraz in 1965. His family immigrated to Israel in 1962. Herzl studied mechanics and thus earned a living and helped his family, which he loved, in a difficult economic situation. The family was concerned that their son in the army always found a way to calm them and told them that it was the duty of every Israeli youth to stand up to his people in times of trouble. At the outbreak of the Six-Day War, Herzl was part of the reserves, and on the first day of the battles, on the 6th of Iyar 5727 (5.6.1967), he fell in a battle in Shikh-Abdul Aziz in a shelling of the minefield south of the outpost. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul

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