Doek Hacohen, Miriam

Doek Hacohen, Miriam

Daughter of Diana and Alberto. Born on 24 March 1984 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, sister to Harel, Aviv and Amos In 1987, at the age of three, the family immigrated to Israel and settled in Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha, Nitzanei Eshkol Elementary School and Ma’ale Habesor Comprehensive High School with a real-chemical track and graduated as an excellent graduate in her study cycle Miriam received a letter of appreciation from the Ministry of Education, which stated, among other things: “Your excellence and high achievements in studies are an expression of your effort to acquire knowledge, And testify to curiosity, personal ability and determination in achieving the goal. “Miriam was an excellent swimmer and took part in the Israeli team’s chess competitions And won a silver medal in the Israel championship until the age of 18. Her character, she was an achievement and knew how to stand up for her with childish chutzpah, always cared for her family and was very attached to her, and her friends from the Hatzav group, who used to call her Miro, “We know and are sure that now you are up in the sky, looking at us, smiling with your charming smile and the bright eyes that always laughed and said everything. “In October 2002, Miriam enlisted in the Israel Air Force and at the end of basic training, she underwent an Air Control Assistants Course and was stationed at Yiron on Mount Meron. She is responsible for the launching of IAF fighter jets, for launching helicopters for search and rescue operations, and for contact with hospitals during the evacuation of the wounded, where she was portrayed as a smiling, true and responsible child, playful and intelligent. The stone in the song: “You went to us like this / You left us here alone / behind you / collecting “Miriam was on the verge of being certified as an assistant in the traffic lane, who manages the traffic She refused to leave for the officers’ course so that she could be admitted to the control officer’s training course and return to YVA as assistant platoon commander, despite the protests of her colleagues in the unit who did not want to give her up. In the assistants department, they feel very missing and are aware of the seal she left behind. Miriam performed all her duties professionally and responsibly, while maintaining a friendly spirit and a good atmosphere. She showed a mature attitude to service and high demands, along with a unique sense of humor and joy of life. Her friends remember the little personal notes she used to leave to encourage them. Miriam was killed in a road accident on the 17th of May 2003. After spending a Friday with her brother Aviv and two other kibbutz members, she was asked to drive a car because she was the only one who did not drink that evening. The accident took place a quarter of an hour from the house, between the Gevim junction and Saad junction. The car collided with the bridge and turned into a ditch. Miriam was killed on the spot and her brother was lightly wounded. She was nineteen years old. Survived by her parents and three brothers. Miriam was laid to rest in the cemetery at Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha. In the lines of the personal inscription on her tombstone: “Miro, your laughter will be with us forever: father, mother, Harel, Aviv and Amos G.” The chief of staff, Brigadier General Bogie Ya’alon, wrote to her family: “A professional and thorough soldier who has shown a strong desire to contribute to the army and to the state and has expressed her desire to continue her service in the IDF.” Miriam’s friends tell of her care and concern for those around her, qualities that, thanks to them, as well as other virtues,”Her commander, Lt. Col. Ran, writes to the family:” Miriam insisted on serving in the north despite the distance from home, and she loved the place and the unit … The Zionist sense of mission that characterized her was characteristic of her actions … Heart, but full, she studied love and educated others, pondered the deeper problems of our lives – and remained sensitive and open to a smile, a walk, a flower and a song … I had the honor and the privilege to command your daughter. In our hearts forever. ” Hagai, an assistant officer, writes: “A month has passed and you are still feeling here in the corridors as always, wherever you look, there is an empty space that you once filled with laughter, joy, seriousness and devotion with which you aspired to your goals. I am happy to say that there are those who have left a mark, something from you, and they are not very few, and unfortunately I did not get to see all the wonders I know you could have done in this world. ” Her father, Alberto, eulogized her: “It’s strange for me to tell you things, you do not have to, everyone knows how talented, beautiful and good you were and how many others loved you … I am convinced that you yourself stubbornly told fate: ‘You will not take my brother, Your separation. ” Her mother, Diana, Miriam was the child of her dreams, changed her way of life after Miriam’s death and now tries to take advantage of every moment and live it as if it were the last moment. “Now I read more and less clean, sitting on the balcony and looking at the landscape without paying attention to the weeds in the grass, trying to spend more time with my family and friends and less at work … I understand that life is a group of experiences, to enjoy and not to survive … Today I do not keep surprises, Every day I get up is a special day, every minute every second is special. ” She writes to Miriam: “We have only learned from you the beauty of the world for 19 years, and only we have left your way to pass on beautiful tips.”

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