Doek, Eliyahu

Doek, Eliyahu

The eldest son of Sarah and Moshe, was born on 28 Adar II 1927 (1.4.1927) in Alexandria, Egypt. Eliyahu graduated from elementary school and high school with honors in 1943. That same year, the family tried to immigrate illegally to Palestine, and returned when it reached the border. Eliyahu, who was a British citizen, joined the British army and served as a clerk at Shafiq in Cairo. His parents and brothers immigrated to Israel in 1946, this time legally, and he remained in Egypt – his British citizenship prevented him from receiving a “permit”. In 1947 he immigrated to Israel with a forged passport.and worked in various jobs to support his parents. At the beginning of the War of Independence he joined the Palmach and was sent to Na’an, where Eliyahu fell on 27 Nisan (May 6, 1948) while guarding the radio station. Near Na’an, he was ordered to retreat, but did not obey the order because he wanted to take revenge for relatives and friends who had fallen in battle. He was buried in Na’an. On the 2nd of Sivan 5705 (18.5.1950) he was transferred to his eternal rest in Nahalat Yitzhak Military Cemetery.

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