Dodman-Dudai, Zalman

Dodman-Dudai, Zalman

Zalman, son of Miriam and Aharon-Zvi, Dodman-Dudai was born on the 21st of Kislev, December 8, 1925, in the city of Vilna, Poland. At the age of seven and a half, he was orphaned from his mother. Zalman immigrated to Israel with his father in 1936. In 1942 he joined the Palmach and in 1945 he returned to Tel Aviv, but continued to be active in the ranks of the Haganah. For a while Zalman was a guard at Givat Hashlosha then returned to the Palmach, participating in escorting convoys to Jerusalem. At the beginning of April 1948, the Carmeli Brigade was attached to a special unit that operated in the vicinity of Haifa. On the 6th of Nissan, April 15, 1948, he fell in battle to liberate Haifa. Zalman was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Haifa.

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