Dishon, Benjamin

Dishon, Benjamin

Son of Charlotte and Joseph Deutsch, was born on March 9, 1909 in Vienna, the capital of Austria, and was the youngest of his ten brothers and sisters. He graduated from elementary and high school in his hometown. When he decided to continue his studies at the university, he found it hard to choose between a wide range of interests. He finally decided to study chemistry and graduated with honors from the University of Vienna and received a doctorate. In his youth, Benjamin joined a socialist-Zionist youth movement and devoted much of his spare time to this movement. He learned Hebrew and the history of Zionism and when he acquired knowledge about it, he lectured him to his peers. Benyamin immigrated to Palestine in 1938, joined the Hagana and was accepted to work at the Ziv Institute in Rehovot, which was later renamed the Weizmann Institute of Science. At that time he married Irena, who worked as an assistant at the Agricultural Research Station and the couple had two children. Benjamin was a warm and loving family man. His kindness and kindness revived the people he had met during his life. In his youth, he wrote in his diary, among other things, that he wanted to plan his fate, control his life, and leave positive, constructive and active traces. He fulfilled his goals alive; In addition to his scientific pursuits, he and painter Naomi Smilansky established a painting and art department in Rehovot, and lecturers lectured on various topics. Benjamin has researched and published works of great scientific value in inorganic chemistry and in the chemistry of plastic materials. In addition to the study of pure science, he also engaged in practical science: the production of non-flammable inorganic plastic materials. Among other things, he developed processes for the extraction of bromine from the Dead Sea salts, desalination of seawater, the recycling of used rubber, and the production of wood-like panels from vegetable materials. Professor Chaim Weizmann used to meet with the young scientist frequently, to talk to him about his work and to be impressed by his scientific achievements. On 2 Adar I 5708 (12.2.1948), while riding on a bus to Rehovot, the vehicle was taken on a landmine, Binyamin was mortally wounded and died in the hospital, he was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Rehovot, son of-Giora and his extended family, and on the 30th of his death he was eulogized by Professor Ernst Bergman, who said, among other things: “One of the characteristic qualities of Dr. Dishon was his devotion to the land and his devotion to work … We lost him during the period of the Mashiach. When this land is built in peace. ” His friends planted a hundred trees in the forests of the Jewish National Fund.

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