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Dil, Aaron

Dil, Aaron

Aaron, son of Malka and Mashiach Dil, was born on 11 February 1914 in the city of Herat, Afghanistan. In 1937 he immigrated to Israel via Iran and Syria and was imprisoned for several months for illegal immigration. Shortly after his immigration he joined the Haganah. At first he served as a guard. He worked in a vegetable store in Jerusalem’s Geula neighborhood. Aaron was loyal to religion, merging Torah and Derech Eretz with dedication to the homeland. When the War of Independence broke out, he immediately joined the People’s Guard and later the Jerusalem Brigade. On the morning of June 3, 1948, he went to his base at “Tipat-Halav” and on the way was hit. He was transferred to Hadassah Hospital and lay there for 19 days. On the 14th of Sivan 5708 (21.6.1948), Aaron died of his wounds and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Sanhedria in Jerusalem. He left a wife and two daughters.