Devorah, Moshe

Devorah, Moshe

Moshe, son of Sabihah and Eliahu, was born in Ramle in 1952. He attended the son of Tzvi elementary school in Ramle, and later went on to study at the Amal B vocational school in Ramle. Moshe was drafted into the IDF in mid-May 1971 and assigned to the Armored Corps. He was glad that he saw himself as the successor of his older brother, who also served in the Armored Corps. After finishing basic training and after completing his course in the tank course “Patton”, he was stationed in the Armored Corps battalion as a courier and served in the Sinai. He was well integrated into his unit and his commander considered him a vigorous and disciplined soldier. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Moshe was with his battalion in Sinai. On the 12th of Tishrei 5740 (October 8, 1973), at the “pier” stronghold, Moshe volunteered to leave the only proper tank left in the stronghold and shoot at the Egyptian positions on the west bank of the canal. The tank was hit by enemy fire and began to burn, and at the time of his departure Moshe was hit and killed. He was awarded a citation by the chief of staff after his death, and his body remained in Egyptian hands and was not identified.As part of the peace agreement with Egypt, his body was allowed to be returned from the “dock” stronghold and on the 19th of Elul 5739, (11.9.1979) was brought to rest in the Ramle cemetery and left behind his parents, four brothers and a sister, and after his fall was raised to the rank of sergeant.

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