Deutscher, Arie

Deutscher, Arie

Arieh, son of Rachel and Aaron, was born on 24.11.1952 in Haifa, where he studied at the “Hagefen – Chaya Ziv” elementary school and continued his studies at the Municipal High School in Haifa, in the biological track. He was very intelligent, he had a sense of humor, and he knew how to entertain his friends with witty remarks, and he was always in a good spirit. He was gentle, honest and conscientious, always speaking the truth and never hesitating to say what was in his heart, even if things were difficult and oppressive. Aryeh was drafted into the IDF in mid-August 1971 and volunteered for the Armored Corps. After completing his basic training, he completed a tank course in the “Centurion” tank and was a contact in a tank. He was a responsible and dedicated soldier and loved his commanders. He was an example of his friends with great diligence and a strong desire to succeed in any task he was assigned. During his service, he tried not to worry his parents and did not tell them what happened to him in the army, the arduous training, and the difficult field of life. During the Yom Kippur War, Aryeh was stationed in a reconnaissance battalion that did not know his men. Five days in a row he fought, almost without food and without sleep, and replaced three tanks, one after the other. On the 11th of Tishrei 5734 (11.10.1973), Aryeh was killed in the ambush at the Khan-Arnabeh on the Golan Heights on the Kuneitra-Damascus road. He was brought to eternal rest in the Haifa cemetery. He was survived by a father, a sister’s mother. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant. Things about him are included in a booklet published by his unit in memory of its fallen; The Alef School in Haifa published a booklet in memory of the fallen school graduates and Aryeh among them.

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