Deri (Drori), Chaim

Deri (Drori), Chaim

Chaim, son of Aliza and Yaakov Deri, was born in 1930 in Jerusalem. Chaim graduated from elementary school, studied carpentry and became an expert in his profession. He loved sports and excelled in football. He was a tall, quick and lively man. He first filled his national service as a guard. Chaim participated in the convoy of Nabi Daniel as a machine gunner, was sent to the Palmach platoon and joined the Palmach, and he continued to use the Browning machine gun. He displayed great courage in several dangerous operations and was wounded more than once. On 25 Nisan 5708 (4.5.1948) he fell and on May 17, 1949 was brought to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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