Degisha, Hussein

Degisha, Hussein

Son of Diab Abu Salman. Hussein was born in the Druze village of Mghar, near Tiberias, in 1935. He belonged to a family of veteran farmers. In June 1953, after serving in the Border Police, Hussein enlisted in the Israel Police. He was transferred to the Prisons Service at his request in October 1968. During his entire service in the IPS, Hussein served in security positions in the Hasharon Prison, where Hussein was an outstanding prison guard, both in carrying out his various duties in the service and in studies and studies. Many letters of appreciation and commendations that he received during his service in the Prisons Service testify to his meticulousness and professionalism. His last rank in the IPS was a sergeant, and he wore the seniority certificate. Hussein was married to Mita (nee Arida) and the father of Adel, Atef, Nader, Nasra, and Salem. Since 1974, Hussein has suffered from myocardial infarction, but he nevertheless continued to function as a model. Until Wednesday, March 25, 1981, Hussein was supposed to meet with the family on the road to Amiad, in order to collect vegetables. His wife and sister-in-law found him in his car, sitting still, after he had died of cardiac arrest. Hussein was forty-six years old when he died. He left a wife and five children. Thanks to his excellence in his various positions in the IPS, Hussein was promoted to the rank of minister after his fall.

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