Dedon, Moshe (Moshiko)

Dedon, Moshe (Moshiko)

Son of Rachel and Baruch. He was born on the 7th of Nissan in the city of Lod, where he studied at the “Habanim” school and completed his studies at the Bialik School, where he studied for two years at the ORT high school. He was a very modest and gentle man, very active in the social field, a sports fan who played soccer in the framework of the Hapoel youth group, played table tennis and saw it as an art because of the great concentration he needed. In the middle of May 1986, Moshe was drafted into compulsory military service in the Israel Defense Forces. He began his military service in the Border Police, but was injured as a result of an injury to his leg, and on January 2, 1988, Moshe was seriously wounded in a road accident that took place in his office and was rushed to Hadassah Hospital. On May 3, 1988, Moshiko died of his wounds. He was twenty years old when he died. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Lod. Survived by his parents, two sisters – Sima and Mazal, and four brothers – Chaim, Eli, Israel and Yaakov. Moshiko was promoted to sergeant after his death

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