Dayan, Shimon (Yochai)

Dayan, Shimon (Yochai)

Shimon, son of Aliza and David Dayan, was born in 1982 in Acre. Shimon joined the IDF and served in the Duchifat unit, where he was wounded, treated and recovered, and on February 16, 2005, Shimon joined the Nachshon unit, where he served as deputy commander of the team. On 25 Kislev, 2.12.2010, a fire broke out in the Carmel Forest, the Carmel Disaster, the largest fire of its kind in Israel’s history. A decision was made to evacuate the prisons. The bus transporting the prison personnel and prisoners caught fire. Forty-four men and women perished in the fire. Thirty-seven of them were cadets of the prison officers’ course and the course’s commanders, the bus driver, three firemen and three police officers. Shimon was twenty-eight years old when he fell, and he was brought to rest in the Carmiel military cemetery, leaving behind a widow, parents and five brothers.

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