Dayan, Ram

Dayan, Ram

Ram, son of Lili and Enrico, was born on April 22, 1944, in Cairo, Egypt, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1949. The family settled in Beit Lid and then spent a waiting period in Moshav Emunim until it came to the land with the founders of Kfar Ha’yeor, later to be called Kfar-Aviv. He attended the “Gedarim” regional elementary school in Moshav Asharat and graduated from the agricultural high school in Magdiel. Ram was tall, sturdy, and with great physical strength. From childhood, he was independent in his own way, standing alone and not needing the help of adults. He trained himself to be a farmer and during his free time helped his parents in the farm they established in Kfar Aviv. He helped support the family and even began to establish his financial situation so that he would not be a burden to his parents. He excelled in coolness and peace, and in difficult moments, he maintained peace of mind and encouraged others. He gave him an atmosphere of security, calmness, and cheerfulness because of his excellent sense of humor. From his youth, he formulated a worldview, expressed his views on every subject and discovered involvement in the life of society and the state. Ram was drafted into the IDF in mid-February 1962 and assigned to the armored corps. After completing basic training, he was trained to serve as a tank driver and successfully completed a course for tank commanders. He was sent to serve in a tank battalion of Armored Corps 7. Ram was an excellent armored man, well versed in his profession and familiar with the armor’s combat doctrine. He was a courageous soldier, endowed with coolness and peace of mind. He was an outstanding commander and served as a model for his subordinates and comrades. At the end of July 1964, Ram was discharged from regular service and assigned to a reserve unit of the Armored Corps, with whom he fought in the Six Day War and the War of Attrition. After the liberation he married his girlfriend Susan and set up his home next to his parents home in Kfar Aviv. After a long day of work, he worked in the development of the agriculture that he established and gradually brought about his prosperity. The youth of the local council of “Gderot”, before he fell he started to see the fruits of his labor – the construction of his house was over and the orchard he planted began to bear fruit, but Ram did not enjoy his new home and work. , As usual, heroically and bravely and standing throughout the battle exposed in the turret of the commander In the battle of our forces against the Syrian armored forces Ram was hit and killed, brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Gedarot, left behind by a wife and son, his second son was born after he fell and was named after him – Ram, Ram’s father was unable to withstand the great loss of his son and died ten days after the fall of his son, he was raised to the rank of First Sergeant. A commander beloved to his team and all the soldiers in the unit, was able to cultivate bad relations, and his teammates were friends outside the military framework. As a commander, he had great courage and willingness to fulfill any mission. “His comrades in the unit published a pamphlet called” Dafei Karev “in memory of the soldiers of the unit who fell in battle.

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