Dayan, Pinchas (Pini)

Dayan, Pinchas (Pini)

Son of Masuda and Avraham. Was born on 21 June 1966 in Kiryat Gat, the tenth son of an eleven-year-old family, who attended the son of-Zvi elementary school in Kiryat Gat, in the Rogozin junior high school in electronics and high school “Ort” in the Carpentry Department Prior to his enlistment in the IDF, Pinchas underwent a pre-military course to drive trucks. Pinchas was drafted into the army in mid-October 1984, completed a general training course, went on to train as a truck driver and was assigned to the General Service, serving as a truck driver wherever his unit was required: in the Jordan Valley, Golan Heights and Lebanon. Pinchas went to work in the kitchen for a week, and spent a week in the civil service for pay, and Pinchas returned to serve as a truck driver a few months later: “Pinchas was loved by everyone, His commanders and his friends. Everyone appreciated him for his dedication and the manner in which he performed his various duties. “On January 1, 1987, Pinchas fell in the line of duty. He died in a military road accident on the Beit Kama-Kiryat Gat road and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Gat. Survived by his parents, four sisters – Sarah, Lily, Esther and Rivka, and six brothers – Rafi, Simon, Jacob, Zion, Eliahu and Amram. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Pini served in the unit since his induction into the IDF. Performed his exemplary role, was like all his friends and commanders … always a worn-out daughter. “

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