Dayan, Meir David

Dayan, Meir David

Son of Avraham and Simi, immigrants from Morocco who immigrated to Israel at the founding of the State of Israel. He was born on May 10, 1954 in the city of Tiberias and completed his studies at the “Tachkemoni” elementary school and later studied at the Beit Deborah High School in the Department of Government and was a soccer player and basketball player on the second team in Tiberias. Meir loved his hometown and Lake Kinneret at the foot of it, but more than anything else, he admired the IDF from his youth, and he was very friendly with the neighborhood residents who served in the IDF, from whom he first heard about the service experience. He enlisted as a carpenter at the Kinneret factory in Kibbutz Kinneret, and joined the IDF in May 1972 and volunteered for the Border Police unit, Rio, who served in this unit, was injured while serving. After basic training, he took part in a course for squad commanders and was stationed in a Border Police unit in northern Israel. This unit also served in the Yom Kippur War. He tried not to worry his parents, and when they expressed their fears he would pass the subject of conversation to another area. “Against terrorists who kill indiscriminately women and children must be fought to the grave wherever they are,” he told his father, who wanted to be extra careful in his role. He was devoted to his job. During his vacations, he would wait impatiently for a return to the base. He was popular with his fellow members of the minority unit, often visiting their homes and singing their songs. On December 14, 1974, he went on a hunt for terrorists, even though he had to go on vacation, and he was left to rest in the military section of the Tiberias cemetery. , A brother and four sisters, and his parents donated a Torah scroll to the synagogue in Tiberias.

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