Dayan, Anton Moshe

Dayan, Anton Moshe

The son of Marina Vedim. He was born on the 1st of Adar 2, 1986. He was a very curious child and an amazing friend, and other children, even older than him, were attracted to him, and this always surprised the adults around him because the Systic Fibrosis After his arrival in Israel, he continued to maintain contact and correspond with his many friends in Russia, while at the same time creating excellent new contacts in Israel. His aunt Tanya, who was then a student, took him to her home on the holiday: “This was the first time I took a Responsibility for the child, and the child is sick. “It was only once that he showed weakness, but not because of the illness, but because of the uncertainty,” Anton said. At the age of six, Anton was hospitalized at a medical center in Germany, where his condition improved greatly, and he met older children who also had his illness, which gave hope to his family, who feared for the short life expectancy. And the other things he discovered to his surprise in the hospital, which he gave to his family as a gift in Germany. Number: “Anton was a happy boy, kind and friendly. There was no place where he was or remembered afterwards. Dogs and cats were his favorite animals, and they were always with him. Despite the medical problems he was a real fighter. From an early age he did not forgive insults to anyone … He was very bold. From the age of two, he was riding a bicycle and a car with pedals without fear, so at the age of six he had fractures in his hands, legs, lips, teeth and a large amount of wounds on the head and elsewhere. “The curious and wise Anton began writing earlier than usual. He also studied independently and was an outstanding student, had outstanding achievements, and even won scholarships, Anton liked to read, he read a lot, and from an early age he knew the computer and had a great memory. In the town where he grew up, Anton always answered the questions correctly and briefly and returned home with a bull Once, in the “Best Jokes in the City” competition, he went on stage without fear, telling jokes to a crowd of more than 700. He was the youngest participant, and of course he won the prize, when the family gathered together on holidays, family events and birthdays Anton and his sister Alona prepared a program full of competitions, games and riddles that even the adults had trouble answering.Non spoke nonstop, except for the guitar, and told jokes so funny that tears rose in the eyes of the listeners: “We grew apart most of the time, With Grandmother, because I got sick a lot and Anton was not allowed to be infected and vice versa. But when we were together we had huge fun and a lot of mess around. Because we were almost the same age we always had a lot to talk about, shared games, and all the nonsense we did together: we danced and laughed at night when we were supposed to sleep, we saved and fed cats … We did plays, we played. It was never boring with my mischievous brother! We always protected and guarded each other, and I – as his older sister, and Anton – always felt the need to help the weaker, to give, to defend … “At the age of twelve, the Dinin family immigrated to Israel.Who at school were sure it was his mother tongue. Thanks to his excellent grades, he was accepted to seventh grade at the Salisberg School in Jerusalem’s Armon Hanatziv neighborhood instead of sixth grade. From the first moment he was accepted into the children’s company, and received attention and support. His uncle, Yonatan and Yonny were his good friends not only at school, but also in the afternoon. They called him “Moroccan white” because of his temperament and nature. In the 13 th and 24 th grades, the four studied electronics engineering at the ORT school in Givat Ram. His grandfather and grandmother said: “The song was written in Russia about the first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin. ‘Do you know what a guy he was?’ You can also dedicate to our grandson.” Grandma Galia, Grandpa’s sister, said: “I remember the moment he first came to Yeruham with his father, a thin, quiet voice, but he was a real encyclopedia, he knew so much, he told anecdotes and jokes one after the other. With a great sense of humor, God, when did he get all this? Anton … faced such a difficult illness, but he always had a good heart and a human heart … Special sparks always came out of him. Every moment is a war, a real love for life. ” He knew how to exploit the good, the joy, and the happiness of life. Anton loved the Land of Israel, the Jewish people, and, as befits a real patriot, hung the flag of Israel. He was excited to follow local news in Israel, and in discussions with friends defended the country. He loved Jerusalem as his city, and as a football fan he admired Beitar Jerusalem, and as a child he wanted to be a sports journalist. health. After receiving the exemption, I started studying at the ORT high-tech engineering college, and two weeks ago I completed my studies. I would very much like to be part of the IDF … to volunteer and to serve in the army in everything related to electronics … hope you will contact me and explain to me exactly how I begin the process. ” Anton tried to make sure no one knew how sick he was, he wanted to do everything like everyone else, so he wanted to enlist. He waited for a long time and did not give up. He fought the bureaucracy and finally received the desired approval and served in the IT Corps. He contributed greatly to the IDF, felt that he had fulfilled his obligation to the Jewish people, and was very proud of it.the staff of the pulmonary institute that treated him testified that his acquaintance with Anton was of professional importance to them, and when they enlisted, they wrote to him, “When you arrive at the clinic quietly and politely, Invisible, sitting calmly and speaking almost in a whisper … Even when the functions of the lung come down, you do not blink an eye in the paths of life. Set a target and another goal, skipping every obstacle and the teacher and nothing stops you … You are tireless, a test collection and another examination, form and more and more … And the dream does not let go, prepares a thick file and submits it to the army, Doubts in your ability … and you ‘knocking on the table’ will not arise and will not be, I am in the army because there is more than that! Anton, you have succeeded in reaching the desired goal and we, the staff of the Lung Institute, salute you today, because for us you are already Chief of Staff! Anton wrote an article and photographed the September 2007 issue of “Breathing Free” – the newsletter of the Cystic Fibrosis Society in Israel. In the article he described the way he did until his induction into the IDF, and the emotional experience he underwent during the basic training week, and turned to high school graduates who are debating whether to fight for their right to serve or not: “Do not think,Fight! “We will fight as we fight for our lives every day … and always remember that everything is possible, because there is no limit to ability.” Lieutenant Colonel Sharon Nir, the unit’s commander, said: “Anton arrived at the Segev Battalion … . At the beginning of his career in the battalion he was shown the responsibility, the dedication and the desire to make and contribute more and more, despite the health limitations. Anton was a special person whose interest was the best interest of the other. The spirit of giving and the insistence on serving in the army as a full-fledged soldier, alongside the daily war against the serious illness, were his hallmark. Thanks to the generosity, the winning smile, the pleasant manner and the respect he felt for those around him, he became an admired figure among his friends and commanders. “In April 2008, Anton received a certificate of appreciation for his ambition for excellence and for his achievements in his position. Israel’s 60th Independence Day. Avi Carmel, chief technician of the Segev Brigade in Central Command, served as company commander when Anton arrived at her: “In the interview, Anton told me about cystic fibrosis where he is sick … but soon he turned our conversation away from what he could not do to things he could do In fact, Anton emphasized that he was no different from any other soldier in the company, and was prepared to accept any mission.In the interview, Anton began his role as a tactical liaison technician in the battalion’s laboratory under the command of Rabbi Avi Kadosh, He studied the secrets of the lab on his own and became one of the best technicians who served with us. ” “We met for the first time in command, you were a closed person, shy, did not talk much … while you taught me,” said Adi Rechtman, one of them, An amazing relationship developed between us, and you began to trust me more. You would tell me everything you went through, whether it was company gifts or if it was any problem. While he was waiting for a lung transplant, when at night he breathed with an oxygen tank and his health deteriorated, he insisted on continuing to serve in the army, got up in the morning and gave himself a great joy of life. During the last days of his life, when he was hospitalized, his commanders and friends visited him for service, he kept up to date, continued to be involved in what was going on in the company, and his spirit did not give up. Anton often encouraged his critics, who came to encourage him and rediscover his power, his guess His mother, Marina, spoke of his love of life and the hope they had: “Yes, the world is empty, but the heart, the memory is filled with thanksgiving to God for giving me such a gift in life – to teach my son to walk, Listening to his guitar and flute playing and even taking care of him … God gave him a very good sense of humor. When he began to speak he began to tell jokes and anecdotes … To a book he wrote at the age of ten he read ‘In memory of Yuri Nikolin’, in which he collected all the anecdotes and stories of Nikolin that he cut from newspapers and books … “Anton was very fond of his parents and was aware of the difficulty they were facing, believing that science was advancing and that Anton could be healthy, and he took care of them and tried to protect them from the bitter truth. Professor Springer to him to talk about a lung transplant … It turned out that Anton had signed it himselfMo agreed on two years earlier and did not tell us a word … How did you keep everything inside for two years? You knew you smiled on the edge and did not tell us … we could share with you … where to take so much power. You never complained, you did not get angry at life, at us and at the doctors … everything you received was positive. During that difficult period you served as a volunteer in the army, it also gave you confidence and strength. New friends you knew in basic training, also with serious health problems, helped you with hope and encouragement … “In his last years, Anton grew very mature, despite all the medical problems he remained optimistic, full of desire to live, to move forward, to rejoice. Anton was quieter, more isolated and restrained than he had been as a child. But when he spoke with his friends on the phone he laughed a lot. The members took on a very important part of his life … He wanted to try to experience everything, to know the Land of Israel and to be a patriot, to learn a new language and to master it as a mother tongue, to acquire a profession, to experience love and friendship and to serve in the army. “Corporal Anton Dinin fell during his service due to illness For a long time, on Sunday, August 2, 2008. He was twenty-two when he fell. He was laid to rest at the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem. He was followed by parents and a sister. In his book, his parents wrote: “His life was like lightning, like a star that passed over us, and he showed us how to go on against all the problems and how to be strong despite the illness, To love, to learn and to realize the goals … He has grown up and become an example for many … In contrast to all the laws in life, he is an example for us, the parents … our dear son, we love you and proud … ” One of the things you liked most was to make presents for the holidays, some investment, some imagination, how much love you would put into it. For what long ago he wanted, wrapped in an amazing envelope, or something very special – it was Anton! … You were always an example to me, you taught me a lot of things, I no longer knew a person who was so strong in his soul. , Full of joy and love for everything in life, I am happy that I was your sister and I have won your brother … “

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