Davidi, Lior

Davidi, Lior

Ben Naomi and Yehuda. He was born on the 22nd of Adar 5733 (22.3.1973) in Yavne. He studied at the Bialik Elementary School and in the Ginsburg Middle School. After graduating from high school in Kfar Haroeh, Lior was an outstanding student at the elementary school, and he was also very popular with his teachers and friends. He was very friendly and worked hard and volunteered in every framework he was a member of, including the Magen David Adom branch in Hadera. Lior joined the Nahal Brigade group of the Bnei Akiva movement, and he described it as “a very important figure in the nucleus and his friends appointed him the secretary of the nucleus. At the end of December 1991, Lior was drafted into the IDF together with his friends and joined the Nahal Brigade, the ” After a period of 12 years in Kibbutz Chafetz Chaim, he began basic training. He insisted on raising his medical profile in order to join the fighting unit of the Nahal, which he managed to do: “Lior found his death while on a trip to the country he loved. Your son Lior was one of the leading soldiers in his unit. Took on roles and social tasks while investing time and love in dealing with nuclear problems in his capacity as secretary of the nucleus. “On July 27, 1992, Lior fell in the line of duty when he volunteered to accompany a group of hikers in the Golan Heights and was brought to eternal rest In the military section of the cemetery in Yavneh, leaving behind his parents, two brothers and two sisters – Sarit, Yosef, Ronen and Mor.

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