David, Tomer

David, Tomer

Ben Rina and Gideon. He was born on July 19, 1971 in Manara. Tomer grew up in the “Dekel” group. You studied at the elementary school in Manara and graduated from the regional high school “Har VeGai”. Tomer loved his studies and invested a lot of time and effort in them. He was incredibly diligent, straight as an arrow, and so he went through the difficulties, going into detail and close to the target until he had exhausted the subject. An average score did not satisfy him, and he always aspired to excel and achieve higher achievements. These efforts yielded fruit and he reached very high matriculation grades. During his last three years in “Har VeGi”, Tomer divided most of his time between the library and the carpentry shop, for he also had a good sense of hands. Tomer was interested in a wide variety of subjects – he was interested in politics, sports and basketball, from “Upper Galilee” to “Chicago Bulls”. The music was mainly about the Beatles and the Pink Floyd. The trip to Greece, after completing his studies and examinations, also gave him the spirit of his playfulness and laughter, and the great appetite for good food. Prior to his enlistment, he worked in the chicken coop and in cotton. From childhood, his unique and independent personality stood out, his obstinacy with the tiniest of things, and personal pride that accompanied him along the way. He was also devoted and responsible in his work, and demanded of himself first and then others. He used to express determined positions and follow his principles decisively, even if they did not suit the majority’s opinion. Tomer was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of March 1991. He completed his enlistment to finish a medical treatment that would enable him to enlist as a combat soldier and eventually joined the Armored Corps. He had claimed in his tank crew. According to his commander, who appears in his personal file, he was always outstanding, with high aspirations, adhering to strong moral principles and laying them on the young soldiers. Three weeks after he was twenty-two years old, on August 6, 1993, Tomer fell on duty at Deir Ballut near Nablus. He was laid to rest in Kibbutz Manara. Survived by his parents, three brothers – Yariv, Lior and Matan and sister – Keren. Tomer was promoted to First Sergeant after his fall. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Tomer, one of the veteran soldiers in the company, was an example of his comrades in a serious and personal manner and had a position on every subject. His classmate, Meidad Goldman, eulogized him on his grave: “You were a friend, you were a brother, justice and loyalty were your guiding light, loyal to your friends and loyal to yourself, to the principles and values ​​you believed in.”

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